Child psychologists often say children learn through play: fathers are a child’s first playmate, toy, ride-along and the coolest friend around. Sure, moms are loving, nurturing, and make sure everything is ok. But dads on the other hand, well, they really get the party going as soon as they get home. Like children, papas are generally fearless and think anything is fair game even if it has the potential to be dangerous; the common expression, “what’s the worst that can happen?” seems to be uttered a lot.
Granted, there are clear differences between moms and dads like how dads may be generally more reserved and maybe not as emotional as mothers. However, despite stoic appearances, most dads are marshmallows around their children and even shed a tear or two when their little ones get hurt or experience their first heartbreak. As father’s day approaches, here is a small list of reasons why dads are so great.
#1. Dads can use their power tools for so many things.
#2. This mom was sent this selfie while the kids were supposed to be in piano class.
#3. This cool dad didn’t want his child to feel singled out, so he wore a skirt for support.
#4. No food goes to waste when Dad is around.

#5. Embarrassing a child is part of the job.

#6. This dad likes to keep it light with the kids.

#7. Dad’s idea of a hair blow out.

#8. Always willing to share medical updates with friends and family.
#10. Heroes in training.
#11. This amazing dad who will do whatever it takes.

#12. A caring father with a gentle hand.

#13. Always willing to give a lift when needed.

#14. As long as the baby is fed the method is irrelevant.

#15. Staying fit together.
#16. Testing new looks for the baby.

#17. Learning to camp together.

#19. Every mom has been sent a photo like this at one point.

#20. Joining in on make believe play.

#22. The best way to learn to surf.

#23. Teaching his son to land properly.

#24. Discussing their next rescue mission.
#25. Teaching military exercises.
#27. Selfie, Gene Simmons style.

#28. Like father, like son.

#29. Having fun when Mom’s away.

Bonus: Brilliant Single Dads
After the mom’s death during the birth delivery, people helped the dad recreate recordings of the mom’s lullabies for the baby.
The dad also plans on completing the wife’s bucket list together with his new son.
He’s always planned on doing something like this for a woman.
But realized the most important female that deserves his attention was already right beside him.
Single dads play the role of both mom and dad.
And sometimes that means dressing up in cooky costumes.
This single dad makes heartwarming illustrations of his everyday life with his daughter.
She should ask him to make a comic book about their lives!
A single dad who couldn’t do his daughter’s hair.
So to fix his problem, he went to beauty school.
A single dad’s first attempt at a cake when his daughter turned four.
This cake couldn’t be anymore impressive and adorable.
A man who became a single father at the age of 19.
And became the best dad he could be.
Just a regular spa day with the girls.
“No big deal, just on our way to having beautiful faces.”
As a single dad, you gotta abide to what daddy’s little girl wants.
Beware, this includes Halloween!
A single father and his daughter spotted at the Renaissance Festival.
After all, every princess needs her fairy.
This one’s more about the best daughter to a single father.
She knows his favorite color is green so this is what she does when she knows he’s had a hard day at work.
A bracelet his daughter made him a little over two years ago during a turning point in his life.
The bracelet hasn’t left his wrist ever since.
After he became a single dad, he learned how to do his daughter’s hair.
Now he teaches other dads how to do the same thing.
Sometimes as a single father during tough times, you just gotta try as best as you can.
This Christmas tree is just as great as any other one.
A single dad’s gift for his baby girl on her first day of Kindergarten.
This is so cute on so many levels.
When you’re a single dad and the day has finally come…
When your daughter asks you to teach her how to shave her legs.
When your 3-year-old asks for non-circle pancakes.
And you decide to get creative.
You’re not a true single father unless you let your daughter practice makeup.
Not only on herself, but also on you!
When your daughter asks you to give her stuffed bunny a bath.
And you decided to give her a little laugh while you’re at it.
This single dad takes a daily selfie with his daughter right after waking up his daughter.
Her reactions in each photo are priceless.
A single dad who got to be the first man to ever give his baby girl 2 dozen roses.
He’s showing her how ladies should be treated.
Having a dad as a pilot has its benefits.
You get to fly around the world with him sometimes.