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30+ Hilarious Husbands Who Keep Marriages Interesting

Marriage is not an easy relationship. To keep it happy you need to put up with each other’s annoying aspects and find a way to keep things interesting. This sometimes takes a lot of effort.

In most cases, husbands don’t know when they are doing too much or not enough. They want to remind their wives why they got married, but they sometimes get carried away and take things too far. Sometimes, they even do it on purpose.

If a man can make a woman laugh, he has pretty much won her over. Of course, sometimes the things husbands find funny, their wives find annoying. That’s how love goes, though.

These husbands were all trying to get a giggle out of their wives. They may have been a little over the top with some of their gestures, but at least they are trying to keep things interesting. With husbands like them, these women will never be bored.


1. The Yard Still Needs Raked

She asked her husband to go out and rake the yard. He told her he would, then asked her to come out and look at it. It’s sweet and romantic, but he didn’t finish the job. But how could you be mad after seeing something like this?

Source: Imgur

2. She Wanted A Beautiful Lawn

This husband decided that if he had to mow the yard every week, he was going to have some fun with it. His wife always wanted a yard that made the neighbors look twice. So, she sort of got what she wanted. Now, all they need is a bat light.

Source: Imgur

3. Don’t Leave Dad Alone With The Baby

It’s nice for dads to bond with their kids. He was just trying to have fun with his little girl. He thought she might look better with some mean eyebrows and a mustache. She still looks cute, but Mom probably won’t leave them alone together anymore.

Source: Imgur

4. He Couldn’t Find The Wrapping Paper

It’s always nice with a husband buys his wife a gift. When he wraps it up, it’s even better. This guy couldn’t find the wrapping supplies, so he had to improvise. Hey, it worked, and no messy cleanup. She still loved the gift.

Source: Imgur

5. A Dozen Roses

Women love roses, and this guy wanted to make sure his wife got some that she could really enjoy. Instead of buying real roses, he bought three bottles of Four Roses Tequila. Now, they can both have fun, and he can say he bought her a dozen roses.

Source: Imgur

6. Sneaky Guy

When it comes to junk food, some husbands are as bad as kids. This husband had to find a way to hide his candy stash from his wife. He didn’t think she would check the frozen peas. He might have a good thing going right now, but she will eventually find it.

Source: Imgur

7. He Tried

It’s always nice when a husband decides to help with laundry. When it comes to fitted sheets, nobody really knows how to fold them. This guy tried his best and then just gave it up. He left a message to his wife, so she would know he at least tried.

Source: Imgur

8. True Love

He didn’t want his wife to miss him while he was gone, so he made a pillowcase with his face on it. He was hoping it would help her sleep better without him next to her. Instead, it might just give her nightmares. That’s kind of creepy.

Source: Imgur

9. Nice Name

You can’t trust your husband with anything that you need taken seriously. This guy just had to write down his wife’s name for a mailing. However, he decided to come up with a different name. He might like this name better, but she sure isn’t happy about it.

Source: Imgur

10. He’s Just Too Literal

This guy thought he was being funny, but his wife will have the last laugh when she doesn’t make dinner. She asked him to put some pasta on the stove, and this is what he did. She meant for him to boil it, and, of course, he knew that. He was just trying to be funny.

Source: Twitter

11. Whipped Cream

When you tell your husband that you want whipped cream and he doesn’t want to run to the store, he improvises. Leave it to a man to bring power tools into the kitchen. To be fair, real whipped cream always tastes better than the kind you buy at the store. He was just giving her what she wanted.

Source: Imgur

12. Help Is Needed In The Craft Aisle

This guy’s wife spends too much time shopping for craft supplies. He was sick of looking at acrylic paint, rustic signs, and glitter. He decided if he was stuck in the craft aisle, he was going to have some fun. Too bad a store employee had to go back and fix those letters. They probably laughed.

Source: Imgur

13. Can’t Even Get a Moment’s Peace

Most women are lucky to get a few minutes to themselves to go to the bathroom. This wife was in there so long that her husband started to miss her. He even wrote her a note to let her know about it. What a nice guy.

Source: Imgur

14. And They Say Chivalry Is Dead

The only thing more annoying than someone leaving the toilet paper roll empty and not changing it is someone leaving behind a couple of little pieces. This husband even took the time to write a note on the roll. He wasn’t about to change it, though.

Source: Imgur

15. What A Creep

The secret to a healthy marriage is to keep things interesting. This guy was out of ideas. He figured he would find a way to get his wife running into his arms. So, he put this in her shower and waited to hear her scream. Wonder how it worked out for him?

Source: Imgur

16. He Might Be Headed For A Breakup

This guy had to run to the store to grab a few items, and he came back with enough ice cream to fill the freezer. His defense was that it was on sale. He looks like he is getting ready to go through a breakup. If he makes any more purchases like this, he might be headed for a divorce.

Source: Imgur

17. So Many Cookies

This might not seem like a big deal for a husband who loves cookies. It’s too bad that his wife was on a diet when this happened. Now, she has to stare at all these packages of cookies knowing she can’t eat them. It’s like he was trying to torture her.

Source: Imgur

18. This Is Sweet

Women are hard on themselves when it comes to their weight. The last thing they need to see is a high number on the scale. This husband gave his wife a sweet little note on the scale, so it’s the first thing she sees when she steps on. Good guys do exist.

Source: Imgur

19. Mom Wasn’t Supposed To Find This

Dad was trying to be cool and bond with his kids. He left this note for one of them, but Mom found it instead. Now, Dad and the kids are in trouble for keeping secrets from Mom. He’s not the cool dad anymore.

Source: Imgur

20. This Is Why Guys Can’t Reply To Wedding Invitations

This wife got a wedding invitation and asked her husband to send back the RSVP card. He sent it back all right. She probably got an un-invitation in the mail a few days later. Hopefully, they are close friends and the wedding couple got a good laugh and weren’t offended.

Source: Imgur

21. A Masterpiece

She sent him to the hobby store to get a painting she had her eye on. Instead, he printed a funny picture off of Reddit. Of course, he likes this one better because it’s hilarious. She must have been OK with it too; it’s hanging on the wall.

Source: Imgur

22. He Closed The Door

Apparently in this house, closing a cabinet door is a big deal. This guy must leave them open a lot. His wife is usually the one that closes them, but not today. Today, he took some initiative and shut the cabinet door. It called for a bouquet of flowers.

Source: Passive Aggressive Notes

23. Couldn’t Help Himself

This guy has really been in the store for too long. He finally just gave up and went to bed. Those beds always look really comfortable, so he decided to try one out. He even took off his shoes and untucked his shirt. He looks really relaxed.

Source: Imgur

24. He’s So Poetic

This guy was doing good with this until he got to the end. He did something spontaneous and romantic, but he couldn’t help but be a little funny. His wife probably just rolled her eyes and laughed, but deep down inside, it reminded her of why she loved him.

Source: Imgur

25. The Cat Did It

A lot of wives don’t want their husbands doing laundry. This is why. This guy shrunk his wife’s favorite sweater. He didn’t know how to tell her, so he did the best thing he could think of and put it on the cat. The cat looks cute, so maybe she wasn’t too angry.

Source: Imgur

26. He Hates When She Moves The Seat

This husband and wife are always in a seat battle. She moves it up, and he moves it back. He decided he had enough of it. He put an air horn under the seat, so when she moves it, it gives her a scare. She’s better off just getting her own car.

Source: Imgur

27. Not What She Asked For

This wife mentioned to her husband that she wanted a Gucci handbag. He thought she said ham bag. When he couldn’t find one at the store, he made her one instead. He had better have one under the tree and wrapped for Christmas.

Source: Imgur

28. Don’t Bet On The Gender

This mom and dad had a bet about the baby’s gender. Looks like the mom won and made the dad pay up. He looks adorable in that pink dress. He even has a baby face to go with it. This poor baby will have to grow up seeing this picture over and over again.

Source: Imgur

29. Hallmark Didn’t Have The Words

We all know how hard it is to find a card that says exactly what you want it to say. This guy couldn’t find one, but this was close enough. He just changed it a little to make it say exactly how he feels. Such a beautiful sentiment.

Source: Huffington Post

30. True Love

When you have been married for a while, all the little things start to matter even more. This guy really wanted to eat the last piece of bacon. He decided he had better be nice and save it for his wife. Sure, it’s a little burnt, but is bacon ever bad?

Source: Imgur

31. Pregnant Tomato

This husband wanted to make his pregnant wife feel better about herself. Instead of buying her some flowers, he found her a nice pregnant one. This cute little note probably made her day. This is what marriage is all about.

Source: Imgur

32. This Looks Better

This husband was tired of hearing his wife complain about her weight. He changed the scale to show her how attractive he thinks she is no matter what the numbers say. Now, she can’t yell and cry about it. She might feel a little better about herself, too.

Source: Imgur

33. She Wanted A Fireplace

His wife kept telling him how much she wanted a fireplace for Christmas. He made her one, but it wasn’t exactly what she had in mind. She can’t light it, but she can hang her stockings from it for the holidays. It’s better than nothing.

Source: The Doctor Who Lived

34. Netflix And Chill

When a wife complained to her husband that he never does anything romantic for her, he decided to try harder. He made this adult pillow fort for the two of them. Now, they can Netflix and chill in style. It looks pretty comfortable.

Source: No Angiels

35. He Wanted Some Peace, Too

This guy knows that the best way to get some peace and quiet himself is to make it so his wife is happy. He made her a little bar, so she can relax and drink wine while she is in the tub. It’s a win for everyone, especially the wife.

Source: Can I Pet Your Dog

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